Problems with oily skin can persist well into adulthood and even a lifetime. Oily skin can be hereditary, and if your parents have oily skin, there is a fair chance that you will inherit it. External factors such as the weather can also affect skin oiliness.
Here is something new from Origins-- a clinically-proven regimen for controlling excess oil inspired by Mother Nature, the NEW Zero Oil™ Collection with Saw Palmetto and Mint. This complete Collection helps to control excess oil and unclog and visibly shrink pores, which helps decrease the appearance of oily skin.
These products feel so cool and light when you apply them and leave no trace—just results.
The Zero Oil™ Collection with Saw Palmetto and Mint:
NEW Zero Oil™ Deep pore cleanser
NEW Zero Oil™ Pore purifying toner
NEW Zero Oil™ Oil-free moisture lotion --(Oil and moisture are not the same. Oil in the skin will seal in existing moisture, but it will not replace moisture that is lost, especially with age. The older you are, the more important it is to use a moisturizer, even when skin is oily.)
Zero Oil™ Instant matte finish for shiny places – not new but a great way to ensure a non-oily finish.
What a product line! I'll have to look into it. I do have oily skin and it drives me nuts!